Wednesday, April 28, 2010

From which countires does exxon mobil gets its oil?鈥?/a>

40 countries it says.From which countires does exxon mobil gets its oil?
Canada, Mexico, The U.S.A. and the OPEC countries.(Saudi Arabia, Venezuela ect..)From which countires does exxon mobil gets its oil?
  • lip plumper
  • Do you think that in 10 years, Exxon Mobil will own oil rights in Iraq?

    Haven't you read the Mayan calendar.....we're all gone

    by Dec. 21, 2012....that's six years (present earth time)

    before your prediction has time to materialize!Do you think that in 10 years, Exxon Mobil will own oil rights in Iraq?
    No they won't, Iraq has a constitution now that says stuff like that can't happen the oil belongs to the citizens of IraqDo you think that in 10 years, Exxon Mobil will own oil rights in Iraq?
    No, because I think the oil companies and interests of India and China will come to dominate that area of the world. I think in 20 to 30 years, the USA will have programs going where the events of the Middle East will not hinder or affect our policies like they do now-a-days.

    I really think China will own that area of the world in a few decades. A large portion of the oil there already goes to China and India.
    Not oil rights, but drilling, yes.

    Most companies capable of getting out the oil and building refineries are based in the US.

    Why dont exxon just go under the earth and find the oil they boasting about, why do they do ads?

    The ads are trying to get people to back their exploration for oil.

    Because of the environmental protection laws here in the US, companies like Exxon have to try and convince the populous to support the idea that they can get out oil if allowed to do so.

    But of course they are up against this noble but twisted notion that a bird or frog or moose is too stupid to stay away from a pipe line, or that cutting a narrow patch through the wilderness is some how going to make all life in a forest drop dead instantly.

    Plus these companies use the ads to counter act the negative publicity the environmental groups put out on them as well.

    Why my Super Hero Democratic Congress have not try to open the Cheney+Exxon secret meeting? Oil $ got caught?

    inside their liberal b--utts too?Why my Super Hero Democratic Congress have not try to open the Cheney+Exxon secret meeting? Oil $ got caught?
    More likely its that the Bush administration has run up such a long list of corruption that they haven't gotten that far down the list yet.

    Seriously. Think of all the cr~p Bush/Cheney have pulled. Its going to take a long time to investigate even a fraction of it.Why my Super Hero Democratic Congress have not try to open the Cheney+Exxon secret meeting? Oil $ got caught?
    why you no talky good engrish
    Do you have sources, links etc. to explain what you are trying to say. What you are saying makes no sense otherwise.
    Another liberal making up ';FACT'; as he pleases....
    I'm sorry, I don't understand your question, will you please rewrite it and post it again?
    Lieberal bedwetting moonbats succccck
    This guy sounds like he writes copy for chinese porn sites.
    Liberals lie and call them facts then post links to blog sites like they are a credible source.

    First merger announcement exxon and mobil oil?

    On December 1, 1998, Exxon and Mobil first announced their intent to merge in a record-setting $80 billion stock swap.

    The first recorded announcement of the merger was in ';Offshore'; magazine, volume 58 issue 12, page 119.

    On November 30, 1999, Exxon and Mobil completed their merger, forming Exxon Mobil Corp., the largest public company in the world, Mobil shareholders own 30% of the new firm; Exxon shareholders, 70%.

    Should Pelosi suggest Exxon get a Nobel Prize for making oil prices high &, thus, cutting global warming?

    Duh WUT?????Should Pelosi suggest Exxon get a Nobel Prize for making oil prices high %26amp;, thus, cutting global warming?
    If Al Gore can get a Peace Prize for an idiotic movie, I see no reason that Exxon can't get one for jacking up oil prices.Should Pelosi suggest Exxon get a Nobel Prize for making oil prices high %26amp;, thus, cutting global warming?


    Does lower crude oil mean lower for Exxon stock?

    Not directly, but sort of.

    The lower the price of crude, the lower the base cost of materials is for an oil company. However, ALL other costs are vaguely fixed: salaries, G%26amp;A Overhead, bonus structure, cost of goods sold, etc. So, a lower crude price means a specific lower ';at the pump'; price (there is a very complicated algorithm in there), plus or minus a few pennies per gallon. Unfortunately for the company, if they can only demand X amount of money per gallon, because of the algorithm, then they may or may not be making enough to pay for the regular costs and still make a profit.

    There is a ';sweet spot'; where the relation of the price of crude to the price at the pump allows the oil company to have a decent profit, without going into realms of obscenity. Unfortunately, if the price of crude goes further than that, then the price at the pump will rise, but, because the (mostly) fixed costs remain about the same, then the company makes more money. So, in a round about way, they make a higher profit when crude is higher.

    So, yes, a low price of crude can reduce the perceived value of the stock of an oil company, and thus the price per share. And, conversely, high crude prices can push the price of the stock very high.Does lower crude oil mean lower for Exxon stock?
    No. That lowers their cost not their price at the pump or their profit.
  • lip plumper
  • What did Exxon Mobil change the name of the oil tanker that was named after Condoleeza Rice to?

    Altair VoyagerWhat did Exxon Mobil change the name of the oil tanker that was named after Condoleeza Rice to?
    Condoleezza Rice drew too much attention

    Carla Marinucci, Chronicle Political Writer

    Saturday, May 5, 2001

    Leaving a wave of controversy in its wake, one of the most visible reminders of the Bush administration's ties to big oil - the 129,000-ton Chevron tanker Condoleezza Rice - has quietly been renamed, Chevron officials acknowledged yesterday.

    ';We made the change to eliminate the unnecessary attention caused by the vessel's original name,'; said Chevron spokesman Fred Gorell.

    The double-hulled, Bahamian-registered oil tanker carrying the moniker of Bush's national security adviser was renamed the Altair Voyager, after a star, Gorell said.

    The unannounced decision to rechristen the tanker was made by Chevron officials in late April, after ';we had been in discussions with (Rice's) office,'; said Gorell. Asked if Rice or the White House had specifically requested the name change, Gorell said, ';that's not for me to discuss.';

    Rice's spokeswoman, Maryellen Countryman, did not return calls on the matter yesterday.What did Exxon Mobil change the name of the oil tanker that was named after Condoleeza Rice to?
    Since there never was a tanker named for Condi, this ';question'; has no answer. If you would get back on your meds, maybe you wouldn't have these delusions.

    If Exxon Discovers Oil, 35% of Profits go to Uncle Sam to be Used by Pelosi's Congress. Does that Anger Dems

    Why do Dems never mention that Exxon pays 35% (as all US corporations do) of it's profits to Uncle Sam in the form of corporate income taxes?

    That money is used for whatever things Pelosi's Dems approve --- welfare, education, medical assistance, food stamps, etc and everything else that the Dems spend money on.

    Why do Dems forget the fact that a large oil discovery would cause Exxon (or whomever) to pay a boatload of income taxes and royalties to Uncle Sam? That money goes to help America.

    Do Dems prefer OPEC and Venezuela to get rich instead?If Exxon Discovers Oil, 35% of Profits go to Uncle Sam to be Used by Pelosi's Congress. Does that Anger Dems
    1. Exxon pays nowhere near that after write-offs. The ';profit'; they report to the government isn't even close to what they actually net.

    2. 35% would be just about enough to cover the costs of Boy George's war.If Exxon Discovers Oil, 35% of Profits go to Uncle Sam to be Used by Pelosi's Congress. Does that Anger Dems
    Actually, if you look at Exxon's accounting statements, it turns out that very little of the tax that Exxon pays goes to the U.S. Most of it goes to foreign governments because most oil is recovered in foreign countries and because Exxon receives foreign tax credits against their U.S. tax liability in the amount of foreign taxes paid.
    Oh sure, like the oil companies REALLY pay much in taxes. The know how to weasel out of it. In fact, they get SUBSIDIES. That should outrage YOU-- unless you're a volunteer lackey for the industry.
    What Mortimer said.

    $11.66 BILLION in the first quarter of 2008. My gas tank and my heart bleeds for the poor oil companies.
    Despite discoveries adding 5% per year, United States oil reserves would be half of today鈥檚 level in only eight years.

    United States domestic oil reserves would be completely depleted in less than 20 years.

    US oil imports would need to increase from the current 63% of consumption to 84% within a decade, and to 90% within fifteen years.

    US oil imports would need to increase from less than 5 billion barrels per year today, to over 13 billion barrels per year once domestic reserves ran out.

    Today, no significant domestic oil discoveries are being made. If the US decided to shut in some of its domestic production to extend the life of reserves, oil imports鈥攁nd the trade deficit鈥攚ould need to increase significantly. (This of course also assumes that oil exporters will continue to accept dollars for oil indefinitely, which itself is an uncertainty.) On the other hand, if the US seeks to increase domestic production in order to reduce imports, reserves will be depleted even faster! Importing nearly two-thirds of our energy with an eroding manufacturing base, as we do today, is tenuous enough. Imagine trying to import 90%!
    No person, corporation, or entity should pay 35% taxes. Hell, 5% is WAY too high. And just because someone is smart and successful, they should not have to pay a higher % than someone else. We just need to stop wasting money on wars, social programs, and foreign aid. And Mortimer, you have seen one too many Michael Moore movies, you poor misled socialist little boy. You guys can give me thumbs down until your bleeding hearts content, it doesn't make it any less true.


    To the poster below me, you are right, importing 90% of our oil would make it unaffordable. The liberal element in this nation, however, is striving for just that - the more poor people there are, who are dependent on Gov't services and checks rather than their own ambition and talent, the bigger power base they have. There will always be smart, ambitious successful people from which the Government can rob - they are just interested in getting more voters to vote themselves a Gov't check and cheese.

    Where can I find a model of an oil tanker for a child like the Exxon Valdez?

    You can always ask Exxon, or find the ship's manufacturer and ask.

    If big oil producers Exxon,Shell etc are the ones refing the stuff, why is gas price based on stock mkt bids,

    Exxon refines the raw crude oil that's imported from wherever. The price they pay for the crude oil is determined by the futures market. Then, Exxon just marks it up a little and sells it to the gas stations.If big oil producers Exxon,Shell etc are the ones refing the stuff, why is gas price based on stock mkt bids,
    Price of fuel at the pump is not based on the stock market. The price of crude oil may be influenced by ';futures'; and market indicators; however, our pains at the pump are primarily based on the following:

    1. Cost of crude oil. Typically, the price of crude oil is characterized as $XX.XX per barrel. Expense is associated with direct purchase of crude oil and/or drilling operations.

    2. Refining of crude oil. The standards for refined fuels vary from state to state - one size does not fit all - the result, increased cost at the pump.

    3. Transportation. Most gasoline is processed near the ocean where large supplies of crude oil are introduced into refineries. The expenses associated with transporting the crude oil to the refineries and gasoline from the refineries is represented in each gallon purchased at the pump.

    4. Marketing. Why you have to market a product that everyone NEEDS is beyond me. 鈥ind of like watching television commercials about the United States Post Office; gratuitous and unnecessary expenses.

    5. Research and Development. Lookin' for more oil, researching better ways to process it, and evaluating alternative fuel sources are all expenses that get passed on to consumers.

    6. Organizational overhead. Administrative offices, computers, lawyers, $400 Million retirement packages (for a single employee), insurance, red Swingline staplers, and vaults for all that cash.

    7. Prof1t # 1 - the oil company. They're not doing all this work just to break even. We've got shareholders with their hands out.

    8. Profit # 2 - the gas station. He's not selling you gas just so you'll go inside and pay $2.00 for a cup of lukewarm %26amp; burnt coffee.

    9. Local, State and Federal taxes. These taxes are typically associated with road maintenance and conservation initiatives. This could be in lieu of sales tax or in addition to sales tax.

    10. Supply and Demand? If less oil is available, the cost goes up. If supplies are abundant; costs are reduced to stimulate demand.

    Who sets oil/gasoline prices? How responsible are big companies such as Exxon and Shell for these prices?

    The demand for oil sets the price. Oil companies aren't responible with their power given the history of Hurrican Katrina they made a record billions of dollars in profit over this disaster.Who sets oil/gasoline prices? How responsible are big companies such as Exxon and Shell for these prices?
    1-sabotage Esso and Shell that import most of their gas from the Arab countries.

    2.Obviously that Demand and supply set the market prices so Cut down your comsuption of Gas (ex:use the subway or public transportation, convince your friends to do the same.) Report Abuse
    Who sets oil/gasoline prices? How responsible are big companies such as Exxon and Shell for these prices?
    3- Ever thought to buy an Electric car? Report Abuse

    1) You (If you want the oil/gasoline prices to go down all you have to do is sell your Gasoline American Car and buy a Diesel German Car)

    2) 0% Responsible

    Why are oil stocks such *** exxon mobile whom reportly make billions doing so badly in market lately???

    Companies like exxon mobil and, Shell Royal Dutch you would think thier stocks would be soaring recently lately their losing that does not make sense to me they gotta be making zillions?????Why are oil stocks such *** exxon mobile whom reportly make billions doing so badly in market lately???
    1. Were in a bear market for STOCKS. Exxon Mobile is a stock.

    2. Exxon Mobile spends BILLIONS of dollars looking for oil.

    (Getting harder and harder to find)

    Investors who actually bought the oil that was already found as in the oil ETF (uso) have made a fortune because no company had to go out and find that oil.

    If you really want to know what's going on with oil, go read Matt Simmons book ';Twilight in the Desert';Why are oil stocks such *** exxon mobile whom reportly make billions doing so badly in market lately???
    I think there are 4 main reasons:

    1) the risk of idiot politicians pandering to the public by doing something bad to oil companies

    2) the risk that oil prices may suddenly reverse and chop their profits

    3) the fact that part of their business is the refining part which has not been very profitable compared to the other parts

    4) the oil industry is a cyclic industry and the stock market is looking ahead, past the current peak in the cycle
  • lip plumper
  • '; Exxon Mobil posts record annual profit '; How am I supposed to believe oil companies aren't ripping me off?

    After all these companies say they're is no price gouging going on, how am I supposed to believe that myself and everyone else in the world isn't getting ripped off when companies like Exxon Mobil are posting record profits? What are your feelings on the topic?'; Exxon Mobil posts record annual profit '; How am I supposed to believe oil companies aren't ripping me off?
    Call volumn

    Taxes on gallon of gas in 60 cents

    So lets look at it this way.

    Gas is about ~2 bucks

    So the oil companies are selling it for $1.60.

    In 1980 it broke a buck a gallon.

    Name me 1 thing that has gone up in price 60 cents in the last 27 years.

    So now the democrates want to soke them and raise their taxes guess who is going to pay for it.

    That is right all of us.'; Exxon Mobil posts record annual profit '; How am I supposed to believe oil companies aren't ripping me off?
    You're correct..Partially. The oil prices need to be regulated by the government. Although oil is selling on the open market and that determines the prices. But so much profit is not healthy for anyone, but Exxon Mobil. They need to share their wealth with the people that make them rich day after day..
    All I know is that the CEO of exxon mobil is the absolute caricature of the gluttonous capitalist pig.鈥?/a>
    They will tell you that they put their money back into R%26amp;D. They have no desire in alternative fuel sources; if they do you sure bet they will have a hand in it and we will be at the mercy of these oil companies.

    Don't forget you also have OPEC which bullies the market when they see oil prices go down, they just cut production to keep the prices inflated.
    Talk about things being obscene the profits of the oil companies am sure the CEO's will get nice reward and workers will get little in reward.
    I don't believe it either. Prices per barrel went way down, like prices from 2005. Yet the consumer is still paying riduclus prices. HMMM..
    oil companies have been ripping us off since the late 50th

    Help on Exxon Valdez oil spills.?

    I'm still reseaching about the exxon valdez and and i need at least 8 more pages to go i haven't started because i can't think of solutions to oil spills..

    Can you guys give me some ideas so i can start writing my 8 pages research paper :)

    Solutions to oil spills

    What should policy changes be to prevent the oil spills..

    please please

    i need help..Help on Exxon Valdez oil spills.?
    the double hull is helping

    If Hillary takes Exxon's profits how will they find the oil we need in 2012?

    Why should Exxon pay no taxes when private citizens pay so much?If Hillary takes Exxon's profits how will they find the oil we need in 2012?
    do you have a source for that claim ?

    a real news source ?

    ( when has a President had the power to take the profits away from any company they wish - Answer : never ! )If Hillary takes Exxon's profits how will they find the oil we need in 2012?
    I am not concerned with Exxon in any way. We need to be working toward alternative fuels anyway.
    Hillary is NOT taking Exxon's profits..... First off, NO ONE PERSON can take the profits of an entire company ----HOWEVER, would anyone really like to KNOW how much PROFIT Exxon has made from the OVERPRICING OF IT'S GAS for the last couple of years??? It's well over $300 MILLION DOLLARS....... Money the American people worked hard for and sweated to come up with so that some JERKS that head up Exxon can live WAY BEYOND the lap of luxury!!!! If and I mean IF the EXXON profit was gained in a proper RIGHTFUL manner, then fine, but since they basically RIPPED OFF EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN in this country, then YES take some of the profits and put that money into programs to HELP those Americans who really NEED it......No company SHOULD have the right to SCREW the American Exxon has done...

    Exxon Valdez oil spill?

    I have a few questions about the Exxon Valdez oil spill:

    -How many gallons (what percent) of oil was cleaned up in the spill out of the amount spilled?

    -How long did it take to clean up?

    -How did they clean the oil?

    -How bad is the lingering oil today?

    If there is a website supplying this, that would be fine too...I tried searching and I couldn't find any of this information, and I have two library books and an encyclopedia.Exxon Valdez oil spill?
    Hi. The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council has a website that should answer most of your questions. Go to Check out the is a section geared for students. Good luck!Exxon Valdez oil spill?
    Why don't you try searching on GOOGLE?

    Exxon Mobiles come to an oil rich country, and then they carry out exploration and make sharing...?

    contract with the country. Do you think it is good for the interest of the peope of that country? What is the good option in your opinion? I think for the people to get most benefits of their resources is by having relationship in which they will become the employer and exxon mobile is the employee?

    Do you agree?Exxon Mobiles come to an oil rich country, and then they carry out exploration and make sharing...?
    Ideally, YES -- at least a very highly-paid employee or agent.

    Economic and political realities, though, usually prevent such a scenario from happening. For one, smaller poorer countries often do not have the resources or expertise necessary for oil exploration, assessment, processing, and distribution. Yes, Exxon alone is bigger in asset size or sales than a LOT of smaller, poorer countries.

    Also, if a country would have to invest in the infrastructure necessary to undertake its own exploration, assessment, etc. it would have to process and deliver a whole lot of oil to recover its capital investment. If it were only a smallish amount of oil reserves and with a lesser ability to undertake exploration ventures with other countries (since they would then be competitors), then the investment costs may outweigh the benefits.

    Mexico in the 1980's-ish, for instance, tried to do just that, with disastrous results especially in the 1990's oil glut which drove the price of oil down on top of production that was not within the economies of scale and interest rates that were going through the roof.

    The good news is that as the price of oil goes higher, the more likely it would be for such an undertaking to be profitable. I guess we just haven't reached that point yet.

    Who makes more profit on oil, Exxon or the government?

    Please read details before answering.

    From Exxon Annual Report 2007:

    Total revenues and other income: $404,552 Billion

    Total taxes and duties: $102,400 Billion = 25% of Total revenues/income (i.e. Taxes are 2.5 times Exxon's profit)

    Net income: $40,610 Billion = 10% of Total revenues/income (i.e. A modest 10% profit margin)

    Source: Exxon Annual Report 2007鈥?/a>Who makes more profit on oil, Exxon or the government?
    The government is definetly driving the price way up there is no doubt. Don't forget that you pay an income tax which is preemptive sales tax. In other words if you take the % you are paying now, then add the % Exxon pays in income tax, then add the federal at the pump tax you will get your number. So the feds are actually triple taxing it at least.

    Well Exxon is making more than they let on, and I don't buy their reports on profit. They are not buying all their oil at premium barrel price, the cost of getting it out of the ground has not changed.

    The FED banks are making money hand over fist on the deal because they have no overhead. They just have to pay their corrupt accountants but no real work is done. We are all slaves and Exxon likes their chunk but it pales in comparison with the corrupt banks that tax us and pretend to be socialist entities taking care of society. Socialism will never work because the Rockefeller and Rothschild crooks will always murder, lie and bribe their way into control of the central banks. The math of it is staggering. They are beyond ';making money'; they ';are money';.Who makes more profit on oil, Exxon or the government?
    Neither! The Middle Eastern countries do. Check this out.

    These companies import Middle Eastern oil:

    Shell............................. 205,742,000 barrels

    Chevron/Texaco......... 144,332,000 barrels

    Exxon /Mobil............... 130,082,000 barrels

    Marathon/Speedway... 117,740,000 barrels


    Citgo gas is from South America, from a Dictator who hates


    Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil:

    Sunoco.................0 barrels

    Conoco.................0 barrels

    Sinclair..................0 barrels

    BP/Phillips............0 barrels

    Hess......................0 barrels

    ARC0....................0 barrels

    All of this information is available from the Department of

    Energy and each is required to state where they get their oil

    and how much they are importing.
    Exxon makes about 4 cents on each gallon of gas--

    The government makes about 30 cents--or more depending on the taxes from the CITY, COUNTY, STATE, and FEDERAL GOVERNMENT
    Since government outlays exceed government total income the government does not make a profit at all.
    The Federal government makes more off of gasoline...if that's what your asking.
    The government, which is why gas taxes will never go down.
    The government, look how much it is taxed per gallon. If there were no taxes on our gas, it would be quite cheap.
    Forgot the number that yer lookin' fer but the government makes TRILLIONS.( paid by you and I)
    Exxon. The government doesn't make money on oil other than taxes. The government doesn't buy the oil, companies do... The only thing the government can do is open up areas for the companies to drill.
    That is not the single issue, there are have a point, but what about letting the government have all of it? Then give our citizens a real tax cut, instead of the shell game that is played now ---- which is, a tax cut, then defund state funding forcing the state to increase taxes, while the feds also raise other taxes and we end up paying more taxes.


    I believe the oil companies need to be nationalized and the profits go back to the people in the form of lower taxes.Same with our communications systems.

    Where I live in China as a transplanted American, both are nationalized and a gallon of gas costs about a buck less, and my cell phone bill is obscenely little. About $15 a month and I use it extensively.

    Plus, I pay zero sales tax, and tax on a home is very small to non existent, plus I have no income tax, despite that I make considerably more then the average person.

    There is a lot of revenue to be made off of both which gives the people more disposable income. A win for the government, a win for the people, a win for our economy. It will just pizzzz off the fat cats, one that some love to support, yet they don't give a rats behind about their supporters.

    We often hear that the oil companies have a vested interest to give alternative energy only lip service. What better way to take care of that problem then put energy in the hands of the people. We need a Manhatten type of program to help eliminate our dependance on foreign oil while putting on the fast track alternative energy sources. The oil companies will fight both till all we will have left is a drop in the bucket of what we really need, all while we, the tax payer, continues to give them welfare bucks.

    What I fail to understand, people will fight tooth and nail to support the oil companies while continuing to pay high energy prices (at a profit that lines the pocket of the fat cat, who doesn't give one hoot about them.) and pay high taxes to boot. Kind of like, shooting themselves in the head just to prove they can. Makes no sense whatsoever.

    I'm a capitalist, but when it comes to this, I must put my foot down and say, enough is enough.

    Case in point, in Venezuela, who has nationalized oil, they pay 13 cents a gallon.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    Think about it.


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC




  • lip plumper
  • Exxon valdez oil spill?

    how did exxon valdez oil spill effect the ocean? and the land, if ther is pic how it effect the land or ocean what web siteExxon valdez oil spill?
    The captain of the ship was intoxicated at the time of the crash. He ran into an barrier reef. Tons of animals died. The best estimates are: 250,000 sea birds, 2,800 sea otters, 300 harbor seals, 250 bald eagles, up to 22 orcas, and billions of salmon and herring eggsExxon valdez oil spill?
    i did a project on this a few yrs really affected the populations of sea otters. the oil killed a lot of them because their fur actually keeps them warm and their skin dry. when the fur was soiled, they got wet and cold and a lot died. only a few were actually rescued :'(

    Exxon Valdez oil spill?

    Can someone please give me a [brief] summary on the Exxon Valdez oil spill?Exxon Valdez oil spill?
    Large oil tanker, March 24 1989, very remote location in Alaska, 10.8 million US Gallons of oil spillt - Sea otters and seals were not happy.

    Look at:鈥?/a>

    for a more comprehensive report

    Who makes more profit on oil, Exxon or the government?

    Please read details before answering.

    From Exxon Annual Report 2007:

    Total revenues and other income: $404,552 Billion

    Total taxes and duties: $102,400 Billion = 25% of Total revenues/income (i.e. Taxes are 2.5 times Exxon's profit)

    Net income: $40,610 Billion = 10% of Total revenues/income (i.e. A modest 10% profit margin)

    Source: Exxon Annual Report 2007鈥?/a>Who makes more profit on oil, Exxon or the government?
    Obviously the government and what do they do to earn this massive amount of money?..Who makes more profit on oil, Exxon or the government?
    They make too much! Windfall taxes quick!!! Good thing some smart people shot that idea down...

    Here's some facts you left out. The top execs of these oil companies make around 1% of the total profits. The rest go to hard working Americans in the company AND to average Americans who have a hand in the stock market or in funds. And even more money is going to instituions. It's not like there is one big wig guy taking the money and living on his own island...

    But to answer your question, as if you didn't, the government makes more.
    I don't want to belabor the point... but that cite is from Exxon...

    and could be bias...

    there are many ways to show many different things on the books... that may be what they were ';suppose to pay';...

    but I seriously doubt that they actually paid 2.5 times their profit in taxes... and if they did, their accounting departments should be fired...

    overall, I really don't care enough to look into it that deeply... but it sounds a little over the top to my ';BS sensor';...
    The government. What kills me is you have to pay taxes at the gas pump as well. These taxes are supposed to go to the roads but they end up in public transportation. Now they want to have a ';Windfall'; tax and guess what will happen. The big oil companies will put the burden on us consumers. The govt should keep their hands out of peoples pockets.
    25% of revenue paid to taxes? Well, that's about 2% less than I pay. Sounds about right to me. Do you think they should pay LESS? Would our gas bill lower if we gave them a tax deduction? Should the government NOT collect taxes from them, and allow them to KEEP more of the profiteering money? Personally, I think the gov. should take MORE money from them, and then use it to offset the highway use taxes and federal gas tax.
    Wow. I've been looking for these numbers. Thanks.

    Here's similar data, looking at it from a different perspective, a breakdown of where the $ from a gallon of gas goes:鈥?/a>
    That is very interesting and something you will never hear in a Obama press conference. Does that even include the gasoline tax.
    The government does. They collect a ton of taxes whether it is state or federal or both.
    Not only that, don't forget that the Federal Government does absolutely nothing to earn their part of the take.

    I couldn't find that in the report you sent me to. Total taxes and duties. Is that solely from the US?
    Stock holders.

    How much do oil companies like Exxon and BP profit from gallon of gas?

    Less than the government does.How much do oil companies like Exxon and BP profit from gallon of gas?
    8 to 10 percent

    Record losses for carmaker GM, record profits for oil company Exxon...

    Something's gotta give - the oil companies need gas-guzzling cars for their profits, and high gas prices are killing traditional car companies as consumers go for alternate transportation...

    I think I'll just sit back and watch the chaos...Record losses for carmaker GM, record profits for oil company Exxon...
    something about this picture is not right, and exxon better take notice, today it is GM, tomorrow toyota.Record losses for carmaker GM, record profits for oil company Exxon...
    GM has been digging it's own grave for at least 15 years. It had a big chunk of the domestic market and got lazy, just bending the sheet metal and changing the paint jobs whilst the likes of Toyota actually listened to what the public wanted and produced it.

    When even baseline products like Kia and Hyundai are preferred to any of the GM range it's a sign that they have lost the plot.

    Now GM claim they are moving production from trucks and SUV's to regular sedans, but even to manage this they are having to use technology from their foreign (mainly European) subsiduaries, at the same time despite robotic automation on many of their lines their wage bill is killing them, they have been so pliant in negotiations with the unions, and have been forced to payout big bucks to dump staff with early retirement packages so that their overheads are out of control.

    So what do you think we should do? Take some money from oil and give it to GM? So what is considered making to much money? Should we take Googles money and give it to Yahoo, and where does this process end.

    Gm has lost money, but honda and Toyotas sales numbers also declined. Its unfair to compare Gm and oil companies, as its apples and oranges.

    Info on the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill!?

    I am doing a school reportInfo on the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill!?
    The Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred in Prince William Sound, Alaska, on March 24, 1989 .

    It is considered one of the most devastating man-made environmental disasters ever to occur at sea.

    As significant as the Exxon Valdez spill was, it ranks well down on the list of the world's largest oil spills in terms of volume released.

    However, Prince William Sound's remote location (accessible only by helicopter and boat) made government and industry response efforts difficult and severely taxed existing plans for response.

    The region was a habitat for salmon, sea otters, seals, and seabirds.

    And try this website

  • lip plumper

    why do people drill for oil if it harms the environment?

    How does it harm the environment?

    How long does the damage last?

    What different methods did they try to clean up and contain the oil?

    If you ask different people, you will get different answers. Some pretend that the best would have been to leave the shores of Alaska with the oil pollution. After all, crude oil is a natural product that goes away by itself; mostly eaten by bacterias that feed on hydrocarbon.

    But the shore was cleaned mostly by water power jets. That removed not only the oil but also all types of organisms that take many years to come back in that polar environment. Some suggested that more damaged was done by cleaning than by the oil spill.

    It was sad to see the bird life and sea mammals dying as it did, though. But the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 was enforced to prevent further such disasters. One of the major change is the demand for double hull vessels. Today, no single hulls tanker can enter the US waters. Should a double hull vessel tear its bottom as the Exxon Valdez did, not a drop of oil should be spilled.

    Another factor that was ignored in the incident is that there was no Vessel Traffic Surveillance (VTS) service in those waterways. I happen to work for Norcontrol (today, Kongsberg Maritime) in Norway, the company that made the first such system in the world. It gathers radar data from different courses into a control center; pretty much like it does for aviation. Had Valdez such a control center, the officer of the watch would have been warned long before the ship came at rest of the shoals and punctured the hull with the terrible result.

    Incidentally, I read that the law suit between Exxon and the Alaskan plaintifs is not yet settled.EXXON VALDEZ OIL SPILL?
    Three methods were tried in the effort to clean up the spill:


    Mechanical Cleanup

    Chemical Dispersants

    Of the 3 biggest oil companies in the world, exxon mobil pays the highest Corp. income tax, why is that?

    Exxon pays 45 % (40 fed, est 5 state), while BP amoco (england) pays 30% and dutch shell (netherlands) pays 33%. If hillary and obama have their way on windfall profit taxes, exxon as teh only american corp will be hardest hit. Don't you think corp taxes should be dropped so corps stay in america rather than move overseas?Of the 3 biggest oil companies in the world, exxon mobil pays the highest Corp. income tax, why is that?
    Because it's an American company and the United States has the highest corporate tax rates in the world. That why so many American companies move operations offshore. Until oppressive taxation ends, expect more American jobs to leave.Of the 3 biggest oil companies in the world, exxon mobil pays the highest Corp. income tax, why is that?
    It is an American company and keeps American jobs and opportunities in the US even though it costs them and their shareholders more.

    A lot of their operations are overseas and they have the option of transferring their bookkeeping so they would pay less taxes.

    This is what a lot of companies do when taxes become unnecessarily burdensome.

    ExxonMobil generates jobs and helps the economy.

    Punishing it by grabbing some of its profits to make people feel like they are ';getting even'; will harm the US economy.

    Instead of getting the 45% of their taxes that we get now, that number would DROP to what the US Treasury gets from other companies.

    Cutting off your nose to spite your face.

    Other countries with more educated electorates understand this.
    The government gets to tax corporations more if they can label them ';bad guys';. The whiners that don't know how capitalism works thinks that anyone who makes a profit are bad guys, so that gives the government all the excuse they need. Then once the corporation is taxed, they raise their prices to compensate, and the money is taxed again when it changes hands. Everyone loses (except the government, who is laughing to the bank, not the ';greedy corporations';).
    Good grief. They paid 42% last quarter on their NET INCOME. on gross income, they paid 7.3%, and there are a lot of games you can play with those numbers (cash and stock awards to employees, debt reduction, increasing exploration, improving infrastructure, and ... heck, you could throw a heck of a company party and bundle that into costs, so it's deceiving).

    7.3% isn't deceiving though, and that's how much of their revenue they paid in taxes.
    Because of mergers and takeovers Exxon Mobile is larger than the Economy of Turkey...We are a nation of Corporate States, Frightening since they are not elected, want no outside controls, affect all of us and quite literally have us over the barrel...

    of oil of course.

    (Turkey is the 17th largest economy in the world.)
    Yes, I completely agree with you.

    But realize that Bush II by not ensuring that Iraq resume its position as a major producer has undermined the support for the Republican Party, the military and free markets.

    He has done to the Republican Party what LBJ did to the Democrats.
    Because they shoot people with BB guns.
    taxes should be dropped to keep it here in the us you are right

    If Oil prices are so low, why aren't they reflected in the Gasoline Prices. Exxon/Mobil became a biggest CO.?

    I am wondering why Gas prices do not fall along with the Oil prices. I understand refinaries and all that but recently the Gas Prices went up by a lot. Exxon/Mobil in the meantime passed Walmart and became a very large company.If Oil prices are so low, why aren't they reflected in the Gasoline Prices. Exxon/Mobil became a biggest CO.?
    Try searching here for all the other people asking the same question and read the answers there. You're disconnected and so are the prices of oil and gasoline.If Oil prices are so low, why aren't they reflected in the Gasoline Prices. Exxon/Mobil became a biggest CO.?
    because big oil companies are controlled by the man and the man is more powerful than the all the presidents pimeminister and the royal family put together

    How much cheaper would Gas be now if the Exxon Valdez and other tankers hadnt lost billions of gallons of oil?

    It wouldn't. I am a biologist and I double majored in natural resource management. Yes, our oil supplies will soon be gone. Especially because no one really conserves.

    But, oil barons profits are at an all time high. There really is no need for the prices to be as high as they are. Supposedly they are supposed to be taking a part of their profits and using it to develop alternative energy sources. But they are not.

    If I could get back the 'extra money' that I have paid in gas in the last two years, I could finish the solar panels on my roof.How much cheaper would Gas be now if the Exxon Valdez and other tankers hadnt lost billions of gallons of oil?
    Thank you. I know what you mean. I would be happy in a tent in the woods. I would just need my video games though :) Report Abuse
    How much cheaper would Gas be now if the Exxon Valdez and other tankers hadnt lost billions of gallons of oil?
    gas will never be cheaper sorry what happens if the gas prices go up what are we gunna do buy more gas sorry were screwed
    The money Exxon paid out for the clean-up was many times more expensive than the oil lost from the tanker.
    You're not serious. Exxon Velez accident happened in 1989 with 53 million gallons of crude oil. Whiel that is alot of oil, causing a serious environmental catastrophy, The real issue is the War our president gor us into thyat has driven up the gas prices - AND the fact that Cheney is making a HUGE profit
    Not even a drop in the bucket....

    Has Exxon-Mobil paid their fine for the Exxon-Valdez oil spill?

    NO!! EXXON HAS NOT PAID YET!! I am a fisherman in Prince William Sound, Alaska and everyone's very mad about this. The Fishing industry was crushed when the spill happened and it is just now recovering. Exxon makes Trillions of dollars a day and they can't just pay the fine for what they did to the Alaska People and enviorment! So to answer your question, No they haven't.Has Exxon-Mobil paid their fine for the Exxon-Valdez oil spill?
    I do not believe they have yet...Has Exxon-Mobil paid their fine for the Exxon-Valdez oil spill?
    nope big oil does what they want
    nope, not sure if they even started yet.
    I doubt they ever will either.
    Don't be so dense, it comes out of our pockets.
    They never did to date.
    exxon pretty much sucks

    Exxon Valdez oil spill?

    I need to do a poster for this topic. Can someone help me? What kind of info should I put on the poster?Exxon Valdez oil spill?
    Make sure you include a picture of the jackass that caused this oil spill.Exxon Valdez oil spill?
    You can put:

    The impact on the Alaskan fishing industry

    The impact on the Alaskan people themselves

    The impact on the ocean environment

    The impact on the birds

    The total number of square miles the spill extended

    The length of time to clean

    The cost to clean the spill

    The number of gallons of oil that was dumped
  • lip plumper
  • Acquired 1979 Standard Oil/Exxon Bond Certificate....?

    Is the bond certificate holder the legal owner and how do I know If its any good/worth anything.Also If it is where do I liquidate it and how?Acquired 1979 Standard Oil/Exxon Bond Certificate....?
    Call First Chicago Title back east they can tell you if you give them the number on the bond.

    Stop buying gas from the two biggest oil companies, Exxon and Mobil to force them to lower gas prices.?

    Pump no more than $10 at a time when you pump gas anywhere else and don't buy any products from the gas station, we need to do something, gas is $3 a gallon and we are all just taking it.. what happened to the american spirit?Stop buying gas from the two biggest oil companies, Exxon and Mobil to force them to lower gas prices.?
    I think it could work. After all, Washington wasn't supposed to take Trenton -- or win the revolution for that matter. Something this little could certainly work if enough people did it. Couldn't hurt.Stop buying gas from the two biggest oil companies, Exxon and Mobil to force them to lower gas prices.?
    Yeah, my profit is that I don't want you to drive up gas prices even more with a silly boycott. Report Abuse

    This is just another urban legend.

    Boycotting one company won't work. If everyone stopped buying from Exxon and used the other providers, then the other providers would run out of gas pretty quickly due to supply and demand chain effects. What would happen is that they would buy their gas from Exxon and overall all prices would go up, not down.

    Full mythbuster at Snopes.鈥?/a>

    The way to get lower prices is to use less gas. Public transportation, better milage cars, carpooling, etc.
    Exxon and Mobil are the same company (Exxon-Mobil). You should check into how much you pay in taxes for each gallon of gas that you buy, you'll be surprised.
    maybe people are just lazy
    that is a good idea, in theory, but i don't honestly think that will make them change anything

    Oil prices bring profit to Exxon, Agip, Texaco, Shell, etc Oil companies in charge to exploit?

    Oil fields in MiddeEast and Africa (Nigeria?)

    Once most of world Oil production are made by these companies and they onle ';rent'; from MiddleEast people, what is rally happening out there?

    If its true, high oil prices are good for these companies and their countries?Oil prices bring profit to Exxon, Agip, Texaco, Shell, etc Oil companies in charge to exploit?
    that is the problem with middle men, they ar the ones who profit the most, think of coffee, the farmers get pennies on the dollars, but the distributors make the bulk of the profits.Oil prices bring profit to Exxon, Agip, Texaco, Shell, etc Oil companies in charge to exploit?
    when you have dafts in government, who do not realy understand economics, money matters and are not ready to work hard for the people they serve, you should espect the situatoion to be this way.

    Does anybody remember who the chief Engineer was on the Exxon Valdez when the oil spill happened?

    The spill occured in the '80'sDoes anybody remember who the chief Engineer was on the Exxon Valdez when the oil spill happened?
    The oil tanker Exxon Valdez departed the Valdez oil terminal, Alaska at 9:12 pm March 23, 1989 with 53 million gallons of crude oil bound for California. A harbour pilot guided the ship through the Valdez Narrows before departing the ship and returning control to Captain Joseph Hazelwood, the ship's master. The ship maneuvered out of the shipping lane to avoid icebergs. Following the maneuver and sometime after 11 pm, Hazelwood departed the wheel house and was in his stateroom at the time of the accident. He left Third Mate Gregory Cousins in charge of the wheel house and Able Seaman Robert Kagan at the helm with instructions to return to the shipping lane at a prearranged point. Exxon Valdez failed to return to the shipping lanes and struck Bligh Reef at around 12:04 am March 24th, 1989. The accident resulted in the discharge of approximately 11 million gallons of oil, 20% of the cargo, into Prince William Sound.[1]Does anybody remember who the chief Engineer was on the Exxon Valdez when the oil spill happened?
    Jerzy Glowacki鈥?/a>
    Paul Preziose

    Exxon's Oil Production Declined 10% Over the Past Year. Will Hillary Tax Oil that Doesn't Exist?

    So, their production went down, and they still recorded over $10 Billion in profit last quarter? Sounds like republican math to me!

    And Hillary is a fool.Exxon's Oil Production Declined 10% Over the Past Year. Will Hillary Tax Oil that Doesn't Exist?
    Exxon's production declined 9%, not 10%, and that was only because they wouldn't pay new taxes in Venezuela, and so some other company got that contract.

    You guys keep missing the point that this is a ';commodities bubble';, and the bubble will burst as soon as there is someplace else to park those investments that offers reasonable returns.

    And oil demand IS NOT increasing. That was and will be the long-term trend if nothing else changes, but for now, demand is decreasing because the prices are so high.Exxon's Oil Production Declined 10% Over the Past Year. Will Hillary Tax Oil that Doesn't Exist?
    No, Exxon's oil profits have declined not production. But it is not the overall profits you should judge. It is the profit margin.

    Shell had like 7.5% profit.

    18 million went to taxes

    16 million went to stock holders

    Then they have extremely high overhead, equipment and exploration costs

    This windfall tax that Hillary and Barack are suggesting will destroy our free market. It is pure communism.
    No, but she will tax them into doing something to increase production.

    Why would a company lower their production when demand is increasing all over the world?

    Can you say gouging?
    And the price went up, imagine that. Can anyone say Monopoly (AKA Standard Oil)?

    How did they clean up exxon valdez oil spill?鈥?/a>
  • lip plumper
  • Why hasn't Palin allowed Exxon to pay for the horrendous Valdez oil spill in Alaska?

    Palin refuses to push Exxon to pay the government for the unanticipated environmental injuries from the disastrous 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill.

    Almost 20 years later, the private case is still unresolved and the governments likewise have yet to collect full payment from Exxon. Shortly before Palin took office in 2006, the governments presented Exxon with a demand to pay $92 million for this additional environmental damage, but her administration has since not pressed the issue nor taken Exxon to court to collect the money.

    Meanwhile, Exxon reaps record profits from Alaska.Why hasn't Palin allowed Exxon to pay for the horrendous Valdez oil spill in Alaska?
    if Palin could run for VP. I will nominate my gardener to become surgeon general, because my gardener used to watch the hospital from her garden. just like palin got worldly experience by being 800 miles from the Russian Eastern shore.Why hasn't Palin allowed Exxon to pay for the horrendous Valdez oil spill in Alaska?
    This is a taste of what liberals will treat America to over the next four years. Liberals have become nothing but the embodiment of hatred.

    Sarah Palin has never exercized her authority as a governor and offered Exxon's CEO's a pardon.
    from 1986 - 2002 Alaska Gov`s were mainly Democrats except one independent between that time period until Republican came in 2002.

    So the Democrats were in charge during that time period when the Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred.
    That would be like me saying I want to pay for the oil I leaked on the Wal-Mart parking lot. She has her hand so far in that oil business it's not even funny. Wow, who would have thought a Republican sticking up for an oil company?
    All the oil is gone. This is not true. If it was, then the people hurt should sue. This has nothing to do with palin.
    I agreed with Ryan, how dare you ask a question about Palin. That is so freaking sexist.

    Obama/Biden 2008
    Her ';permission'; has nothing to do with it. The matter is before the courts, not the Alaskan executive branch.
    Why are you so sexist, questioning Palin?
    What's she gonna do? Sic the Alaska National Guard on them?
    how else do you think she paid for that tanning bed for her home

    Can I get paid for spamming ';Exxon pays taxes';? Whats the deal the the big oil cheerleaders on here?

    probably but not much.

    Can I get paid for spamming ';Exxon pays taxes';? Whats the deal the the big oil cheerleaders on here?
    I don't have a problem with Exxon turning a profit....

    I have a problem with Exxon's greed.

    They have fleeced the US consumers for far too long....

    time to end that sh!t...

    the cheerleaders can piss off....they have no cedibility on this subject.Can I get paid for spamming ';Exxon pays taxes';? Whats the deal the the big oil cheerleaders on here?
    The oil company shills on Yahoo Answers will use whatever skewed rhetoric they can think of in order to represent and defend the interests of the oil companies. The claim re paying taxes is just one of their nonsensical approaches.
    All Cheerleaders are shallow
    i don't really get the question, but exxonmobil sucks! cng now! Or ANYTHING else for that matter! End their gravy train!

    Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska pt 2?

    How long did the oil spill last?March 24,1989-?????Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska pt 2?
    Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: Fate and Effects in Alaskan Wasters

    How Does Obama View his Ideas of Taxing Exxon into Bankruptcy While Not Penalizing Oil from Iran, Saudi, Lybia

    ... etc?

    Does it bother Obama if terrorists benefit while America suffers?How Does Obama View his Ideas of Taxing Exxon into Bankruptcy While Not Penalizing Oil from Iran, Saudi, Lybia
    The US receives little oil from Iran, or Libya. A majority of our imported oil comes from Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, and the Sudan. What we need is an energy policy similar the 1960s Apollo project. To set America on a course to energy Independence within the next `10 years. Taxing windfall profits would be a way to partially fund this.How Does Obama View his Ideas of Taxing Exxon into Bankruptcy While Not Penalizing Oil from Iran, Saudi, Lybia
    Although I have never heard him say it, I believe he may have ideas of nationalizing our energy sources. I know some members of the House have discussed it. I feel this way because he has no plan to reduce the price of gasoline and it will be too many years before energy will become affordable to wait for alternative fuels to take the place of fossil fuels.

    American citizens will be taking matters into their own hands by inventing ways to bypass or drastically reduce the use of the fuels that are now available to us. That has already begun. Also, more foreign cars will become available to Americans that get far better gas mileage.
    This may come as a surprise to you but Exxon and all the big oil company's get the majority of oil from the middle east.They all just signed a agreement with Iraq to get there oil.This was a no bid contract.

    I bet you thought that the Iraq war was not about oil.

    We had a windfall profit tax in the early eighties and gas was 55 cents a gallon.

    Reagan did away with it and the deficit went from 800 billion to 4 trillion and the price of gas doubled.
    They know they can't do that. The net profit margin is about 8% - that's not high. They know the oil companies spend billions on exploring and drilling to bring in new supplies. If they stopped the ability for our oil companies to provide what little they can, then we would be 100% dependent on foreign oil!
    With the profits Exxon is making, bankruptcy is a HUGE impossibility. Geez, where do you people come up with this stuff? I will give you did make me really laugh out loud this morning, so I give you props on your comedic effort.
    because it isn't OPEC anymore, its speculators that help shut down refineries which reduce the supply and the speculators can raise the price for oil and make money.
    Obama is a madman, followed by a bunch of complete idiots. How can one even answer?鈥?/a>
    It ties into his plan to turn USA America into a African type

    3rd world country!
    Obama is a complete nitwit.
    It won't bankrupt Exxon. They'll pass any tax increase to their customers and it'll bankrupt us.
    Taxing Exxon into bankruptcy ????

    Thanks, I needed a good laugh!
    Taxing Exxon into bankruptcy? HAHAHA!!! You are funny!
    In case you have not noticed, his allegiance is not to the United States.

    If Exxon-Mobil drills its own oil, why do they charge as though they were buying it from a cartel?

    If I buy wholesale, I get a discount because there are fewer profit-takers between the manufacturer and myself. If Exxon is extracting and refining its own oil - and selling it in its own stations, but some other company is buying it from the Saudis or from Venezuela, why wouldn't the Exxon gas be cheaper?

    If this turns out to be an incredibly stupid question, I'll most likely remove it. At the moment, though, it looks to me like the profit-taking for the monolithic petroleum companies like Exxon-Mobil is the main reason why they don't offer a competitive price to the consumer.If Exxon-Mobil drills its own oil, why do they charge as though they were buying it from a cartel?
    First, there's the basic concepts here:鈥?/a>

    There are at least 2 factors.

    1. There is currently enough oil supply in the US, but Exxon drills for a fraction of its own oil because

    a) the oil in the US is very low quality and expensive as crazy to refine. The Middle East oil is very nice light sweet crude oil. I might be wrong on this, but I think this is the case.

    b) refining adds much to the cost, especially after the hit in capacity after Katrina.

    You can see this effect from

    crude oil prices:鈥?/a>

    gas prices:鈥?/a>

    This is our daily usage:鈥?/a>

    US companies can pump nowhere near that. I don't have the numbers handy, but I'm sure you can Google it pretty easily.

    Exports account for 60+% of our oil and it's rising:鈥?/a>

    In additon, other countries are starting to industrialize and demand more oil:

    Exxon will sell at market price, and they don't really determine the market price themselves as you read in the article at the very top. It's more the futures market and those oil futures traders. They see the higher demand. They see the unstable future supply and the futures prices go up.

    I really wouldn't call that 10% profit margin cartel-like:;annu鈥?/a>

    I have no idea what OPEC's margins are but I'm sure they're much much better than Exxon's. You could say that Exxon is price-gouging that last 10% and should give it back, but lots of companies run higher than 10% margins and it's not called price gouging.If Exxon-Mobil drills its own oil, why do they charge as though they were buying it from a cartel?
    I think (not sure) that the thing making gas prices high right now is not where the oil is coming from. It is a lack of manufacturing capability to refine the oil. Many refineries (17?) are still not operational after Katrina. We have plenty of oil, but not plenty of refinery capacity. So, supply curve on domestic refined product has shifted left. We are bringing in some imported refined product at a higher price, and are selling our domestic stuff also at the higher price.

    Every producer will maximize profits, so don't hold your breath waiting for Exxon or anyone else to be the good guy. It sure would be nice for a change to have someone look out for total social welfare, or consumer welfare. It won't happen. The suppliers have the power, and are definitely profit-taking as your question stated.
    It's supply and demand. Why should ExxonMobil sell gas for $1.98 a gallon if people will pay over $3.00 for it? Should Johnny Damon give back half of his $50 million he gets for playing baseball so ticket prices will go down?
    Oil prices are set by market rates not by exxon mobil or even the cartels...
    Greed is the answer to your question.

    Who makes more on oil, Exxon or government?

    From Exxon Annual Report 2007:

    Total revenues and other income: $404,552 Billion

    Total taxes and duties: $102,400 Billion = 25% of Total revenues/income

    Net income: $40,610 Billion = 10% of Total revenues/income

    Source: Exxon Annual Report 2007鈥?/a>Who makes more on oil, Exxon or government?
    The net profit on a gallon of gasoline, to Exxon Mobil, is about eight cents. Total taxes on a gallon of gasoline in my area is about 61 cents.Who makes more on oil, Exxon or government?
    You need to look at the CASH FLOW statements of the companies that engage in E+P. The cost to drill for new oil has skyrocketed too - but those costs are largely CAPITALIZED.

    Free cash flow of the major oil companies isn't up by nearly as much as net profit - which is why their price/earnings ratios are 1/2 those of the S+P.
    The govt, they do just get taxes, they do not have to drill it, refine it and deliver it to the customer.
    Exxon and the other big oil companies.
    And ole plastic face polosi and dingy harry do not think they pay enough.
    Government,we should never have to hit a pothole with that kind of money,so where is it going.
    government. They make 15% and dont have to drill it, refine it, or pay for it.
  • lip plumper
  • Why is the USA tax dollars being paid to oil companies like Exxon?

    Subsidies???Why is the USA tax dollars being paid to oil companies like Exxon?
    The energy bill referenced below contained $2.6 billion in subsidies for the oil and gas industry, at a time when they are recording record profits. Big oil bought the US government through campaign contributions.Why is the USA tax dollars being paid to oil companies like Exxon?
    Because they contributed to the campaigns and to the ';retirement funds'; of the legislators.
    care to sight some sources?

    How does Exxon?Mobile convert its oil into gasoline?

    Crude oil comes from the ground. Depending on the location of the oil wells, the crude is more or less volatile. In Pennsylvania, where the first oil was discovered in the U.S., some of the crude is so light (volatile), it can actually be used as fuel in engines without refining. They call that kind of crude, casing head gasoline.

    But, for the vast majority of crude, the oil has to be broken down into lighter products through refining. Refineries use heat to ';boil off'; these lighter products and collect them at various levels of the boilers. The lightest products go all the way to the top, where they are siphoned off and collected in tanks for mixing with chemicals to improve their capabilities.

    Gasoline, kerosene, diesel, naphtha, paraffin, and other products are extracted from crude oil in these boilers called distillation towers. Many, if not most, of these lighter products are mixed with something to improve or modify their characteristics before they are shipped off for sale. For example, one gasoline company advertises it adds Techron to its gasoline to keep engines clean.

    Finished products go to a variety of places by pipeline, tanker ships, and tanker trucks. The gasoline your car uses, is typically delivered to gasoline stations by tanker trucks. The trucks typically pick up their gasoline loads from warehouse facilities called bulk plants.How does Exxon?Mobile convert its oil into gasoline?
    Gas comes from oil. After oil has settled it has several levels of which we get all of our fuels from. The top layers are gas the bottom have the thicker substances such as motor oil and lubricants. When they get it to the rifinery they filter out the impurities.

    Two oil men run the White House. Exxon/Mobil is making record profits. And McCain blames Obama for gas prices?

    What's the deal with that sleazy commercial McCain made blaming Obama for high gas prices?

    Two oil men run the White House. Exxon/Mobil is making record profits. And McCain blames Obama for gas prices?
    The fact that Democrats want to keep the oil supply low has far more to do with gas prices than anyone n the administration..

    If we would allow more drilling here it would increase the supply regardless of what OPEC does. We have as much oil available as the entire Middle East and unless they wish to cut their production to almost nothing the supply could be increased greatly but the environmentalists that rule the democratic Party don't want that..Two oil men run the White House. Exxon/Mobil is making record profits. And McCain blames Obama for gas prices?
    Everything McCain says is a lie. He finds the truth then says just the opposite. He makes other deceitful Republicans look honest. Even Satan's darling Karl Rove is criticizing him. And Republicans and undecideds are lapping it up.

    A small group of wealthy investors created the oil price bubble on the commodities exchange. They drove the price up until it wouldn't go any higher, then they began selling off their holdings driving the price back down. These conservative investment groups did the same thing to high tech stocks in the late 1990s, then they divested and invested in real estate, then divested and invested in oil futures. Now they're selling off and they'll ruin some other market, while McCain and Bush do nothing. Republicans deregulated the oil futures market and the financial markets which facilitated this mess. Specifically Phil Gramm sponsored the bills and he's McCain's economics adviser.
    Brian: ';The fact that Democrats want to keep the oil supply low has far more to do with gas prices than anyone n the administration..';

    OPEC is cutting oil production due to over-supply. So much for drilling. Take gold prices, for example, they are shot through the roof! It's not due to supply problems. The common theme is inflation and much of the inflation issues are from the enormous deficit the US has built up.
    You're liberal bias clouds your vision.

    Maybe if Obama actualy VOTED for or against bills that involve gas and oil supplies instead of voting ';present';, he can argue that he did something to stop the rising prices. Also voting no to offshore drilling sure doesn't lower the price. And taxing the oil companies will RAISE the price of gas, not lower it.
    LOL @ Brian, a top contributor.

    Brian.... how can Obama and or the democrats be responsible for high gas prices and not be in office??

    Brian noted for his contributions to Yahoo answers, states that the democrats are responsible for the high gas prices even though the democrats currently don't have the power to raise or lower gas prices. Brian... the democrats aren't in the white house... umm... just in case you didn't know.

    Folks, as you can see.... just because you're a ';top contributor does not make you a smart person. ';Stupid is as Stupid does.

    Wow Brian.

    There seems to be a connection between the white house and McCain. Both like big oil and blaming other people for their lack of regulation and oversight of big business.
    Why would anyone in their sound mind would ever take senile, brain damaged and suicidal warmongering degenerate McCain seriously. Once I see his ignorant ugly face on TV, I immediately switch the channel.
    dont question anything Republicans do, they still havent figured out how to use their brains so it is just frustrating arguing with them
    mccain is using everything he has to win this election.
    Im sure obama is at fault.

    McCain 08
    How many stupid questions can people on yahoo ask.
    True, but now I get 100 miles to the gallon cause I got me a tire gauge

    of course both major parties share the blame.

    VOTE for somebody else

    Monday, April 26, 2010

    Why Did Barack Obama say this about Exxon and Big Oil?

    ';U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama termed Exxon's earnings ';outrageous'; and called for an end to the ';tyranny of oil.';

    Is he a complete idiot? I thought he was well educated. Doesn't he know that Big Oil has nothing to do with Fuel Prices? Oil is a commodity, and with commodities the Companies do not set the prices! Wall Street Speculators set the price of Gasoline and then State and Federal Taxes are added on top of it. That is how you get your gas prices. BIG OIL has NOTHING to do with the fuel prices what so ever.

    How hard is this to understand?

    They have ';No'; Say in it. The Wall Street Speculators do.

    When people in the Government think they should step in and set things and control what companies do. You then get a Socialistic and Communist Nation! So technically Obama is a Socialist and a Communist.

    If Obama is such an intelligent and well educated person, then why would he say such ridiculous statements?Why Did Barack Obama say this about Exxon and Big Oil?
    Hot Damn IM in the MONEYWhy Did Barack Obama say this about Exxon and Big Oil?
    It doesn't matter why he said that, or what he said, or when he said it. Chances are he lied.

    You're right, our gas prices come from economists, and whatever the gov decides to add on. People always say ';well at least our gas isn't as expensive as europe where it's 9-10 dollars a gallon...'; That is because they just tax much more heavily on it.

    But yeah, he's dumb.
    I agree. Yeah, Exxon made 11 billion, but they never tell you that they paid 33 billion in goverment taxes. So pretty much, for every 4 dollars they made, the goverment got 3. But everyone points the finger at the oil companies.
    i agree--if you look at it with an open mind he isn't equipped to be commander %26amp; chief but he is a good speaker---i'm an independent and my vote goes to McCain
    Marxist tool...
    that their profits are obcene.

    Hugo Chavez has threatened to cut off oil sales to the US if the Court uphold Exxon's claim against Venezuela

    It would cost Venezuela a ton of $$$ to send her oil to anyone else but, why not simply blockade Venezuela and starve Mr. Chavez into submission or removal from power? He is damaging not only our economy but he is destroying Venezuela's while he's at it. Should we not step on this socialist tyrant and solve a lot of everyone's problems?Hugo Chavez has threatened to cut off oil sales to the US if the Court uphold Exxon's claim against Venezuela
    Chavez is all bluster. Unfortunately for him, we buy most of his oil and I believe I read in Times Magazine his oil exports counts for 90% of his economy. Let him cut off his oil. Luckily, we diversified enough just for this occasion. If we blockaded his country and not allowed any oil shipments out his government would collapse, and there really isn't anything he could do about it. He couldn't match us militarily and would be forced to come to the bargaining table. I kind of hope he does so he could hasten his collapse.Hugo Chavez has threatened to cut off oil sales to the US if the Court uphold Exxon's claim against Venezuela
    We should have had a couple of Marine sharp shooters at the United Nations Meeting in New York in September 2007 when Chavez and Iranian President Ahmadinejed came to the U.S. and taken them both out.We would have saved thousands of lives by doing this justice for the world.
    One of the biggest farces is we are fighting in Iraq, and have no control on the nations in our hemisphere, what the hell is our government doing? don't blame Hugo!
    Turn a couple of keys, put in a password, push the big red button and actually test a neutron bomb over Venezuela. In a short time the radiation will be gone and we can use the commie oil for free!
    I don't think another military operation is very wise at this point. With our forces tired and spread thin, it seems like they wouldn't be keen on opening up another front. We shouldn't be engaging in regime change with leaders that don't like us. There are other ways we can deal with Chavez. First, if you really believe socialism is destined to doom a society, we just have to sit back and watch the country eventually crumble. Second, we can simply dump him and get a new supplier to pick up the slack for oil. I'm sure there are plenty of companies that would like in on the US oil market. We don't need to form a military blockade and validate his claims of US aggression and regime change.
    Dude you are so right! It is ridiculous that The president of any country would choose to exercise their sovereignty over their own natural resources. Let Face it the people that Elected Him (in elections that were monitored by the U.S. and other international observers) obviously were a bunch of idiots. I mean what kind of Communists are they? Why would they resort to such capitalist measures as demanding to receive some of the profits of selling their limited resources to a Foreign National Corporation that doesn't even pay taxes or royalties in their country? Do they think that they actually have a right to the oil there?
    well you can always do your imperialist crap, but don't go crying after another 9/11

    How did they clean up exxon valdez oil spill?

    A trial burn was conducted during the early stages of the spill, in a region of the spill isolated from the rest by a fire-resistant boom. The test was relatively successful, but because of unfavorable weather no additional burning was attempted in this cleanup effort. Mechanical cleanup was started shortly afterward using booms and skimmers, but the skimmers were not readily available during the first 24 hours following the spill, and thick oil and kelp tended to clog the equipment. A private company applied dispersants on March 24 with a helicopter and dispersant bucket. Because there was not enough wave action to mix the dispersant with the oil in the water, their use was discontinued.
  • everyday eyeshadow
  • Will true hippies quit gripping and stop using oil so Exxon doesn't take advantage of them?

    I mean if hippies just stopped using oil altogether they could save the planet and lower gas prices. Hippies will you save us and the planet by stopping your usage of oil?Will true hippies quit gripping and stop using oil so Exxon doesn't take advantage of them?
    I'm giving it my best shot. I don't see that giving it up completely has any logic however.Will true hippies quit gripping and stop using oil so Exxon doesn't take advantage of them?
    The true hippies have already stopped using oil, the rest are wannabes.

    Oil windfalls?? Does anyone know how much Exxon-Mobil paid in taxes during the first 2 quarters of 08?

    They may be making some serious money but they also pay a lot of taxes to Uncle Sam. They also make their taxes releases public... Here is a hint: it is over 50 million dollars..........

    Oil windfalls?? Does anyone know how much Exxon-Mobil paid in taxes during the first 2 quarters of 08?
    Well, in 2005 the top three oil companies paid about $114 million in taxes.

    This from the Tax Foundation:

    ';When the federal statutory corporate income tax rate of 35 percent is added to the weighted average of state corporate income taxes, the resulting rate of 39.3 percent means that corporations in the United States are currently at an international competitive disadvantage. In fact, as recent research has indicated, the top combined state and federal statutory corporate income tax in the U.S. is higher than any other country in the OECD. ';Oil windfalls?? Does anyone know how much Exxon-Mobil paid in taxes during the first 2 quarters of 08?
    their taxes are all figured into their prices... the consumer pays it... they just handle the check for us...

    and paying taxes doesn't make it ok...

    Exxon valdez oil spill in Alaska?

    Is there an online graph of the clean port waters before the commander spilled the oil vs the dirty oil filled water caused by the exxon valdez oil spill?

    what is the name of the body of water it spilled into?Exxon valdez oil spill in Alaska?
    The Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred in the Prince William Sound, Alaska, on March 24, 1989. It is considered one of the most devastating human-caused environmental disasters ever to occur at sea. As significant as the Valdez (pronounced /v忙l藞di藧z/) spill was, it ranks well down on the list of the world's largest oil spills in terms of volume released.[1] However, Prince William Sound's remote location (accessible only by helicopter and boat) made government and industry response efforts difficult and severely taxed existing plans for response. The region was a habitat for salmon, sea otters, seals and seabirds. The vessel spilled 10.8 million U.S. gallons (about 40 million litres) of Prudhoe Bay crude oil into the sea, and the oil eventually covered 11,000,000 square miles (28,000,000 km2) of ocean.[2]

    Exxon Oil makes 39.5 BILLION 333 PROFIT...?

    last year according to the ABC news report this morning. 39.5 BILLION !!!

    Why are we paying record prices for a necessity of life and paying TOP dollar for it ???

    Who's fault is this? How can we stop it being food for these piranhas ???Exxon Oil makes 39.5 BILLION 333 PROFIT...?
    Fault? It is our fault my friend. We the Americans have allowed big business to make life threatening decisions for us. Oh, big business is what America is all about, ok no argument there. The problem is if we stuck together and refused to buy from anyone but the cheapest oil dealer.....what do you think would happen? Exxon would lower its prices or go under.

    We as Americans have become cattle and are told what we will pay. Check and see what the C.E.O. got for bonuses last year.Exxon Oil makes 39.5 BILLION 333 PROFIT...?
    We aren't paying record prices, gas is down to $1.99/ gal here. About 30-40% of that is taxes.

    So people will readily pay for a $8 drink at a club, ($11 in Manhattan), which costs the club probably $0.25 at most. They will also gladly pay $3 for a can of ';energy drink';, which is just water, carbination, and sugar. They will pay $1.50 for a 20 oz bottle of filtered water. They'll buy Diesel jeans for $200, which were made in Indoensia for $1.

    Exxon find crude oil, (it is sometimes 800 ft below the water surface), extract it from the ground (without polluting or they face huge huge fines), transport it to a refinery and distill the gasoline out of the crude. You can buy a gallon for $2.

    If Exxon was ';price gouging'; last year, when gas was $3, why did they stop. Since Exxon has been around for decades, including in 2000 when gas was $0.89, did they just suddenly figure out price gouging. Were they like, ';what were we thinking! We could have been gouging all these years!';

    No, I don't work for Exxon, and don't like high gas prices, but I get annoyed when I see the same people who really whine about high gas prices, but then waste money on designer jeans, martinis, or fancy water.
    And if you whiners, decided to give up the $500 cell phone bill, the $200 sneakers etc... and bought some stock in the oil companies you'd be smiling all the way to the bank. It's the choices you make that decide if your going to happy or complaining up a storm.
    It's a huge scam isn't it? Unfortunately, Bush won't do anything worthwhile about this because he/his family are in the oil business and they want all their millions for when he is out of presidency.
    If memory serves that most of the profit that they made, last quarter, was not in the US...They are hitting up China and I believe India since they are needing the energy to grow. I do agree with you that is insane.

    What materials are Oil Tankers Made of? Specifically the Exxon Valdez Oil Tanker...?

    At around Midnight on March 24 1989 this ship hit the Bligh Reef and a rock or something punctured through its hul and I was just wonderin what it was made of.. Thnx for the help!What materials are Oil Tankers Made of? Specifically the Exxon Valdez Oil Tanker...?
    An older oil tanker like the Exxon Valdez is constructed of marine grade steel over a structural steel framework.

    It was a single-wall tanker - there was nothing between the holding tank and the ocean other than a single wall of steel plate, though the holding tanks often had in inner coating of an oil resistant membrane to avoid small leakage.

    Now, all modern oil tankers are double-walled around the holding/cargo tanks and some even are triple-walled, with ';interstitial'; monitoring to detect leakage.What materials are Oil Tankers Made of? Specifically the Exxon Valdez Oil Tanker...?
    An Oil tanker is made of solid steel with lots of welds to hold it together.

    Pennzoil mix with Exxon oil?

    If I do an oil change and have been using Exxon 10x30 in my car can I change over to the Pennzoil 10x30 with out ending up with a gel or sludge problem clogging my engine?Pennzoil mix with Exxon oil?
    that is such an old idea from way back when. oils have come a long way since the time that that theory came about. i use penzoil in all of my cars and they run very well, a 90 civic that gets better than 38 mpg at 240,000 miles. oil needs to change color to prove that it is doing the work. if it stays clean, is it really absorbing the heat from the engine. sure i worked for penzoil for 15 years and i might be a little biased but i am just telling you what i have seem for years. that gelling effect is caused by abuse and a lack of maintenance.Pennzoil mix with Exxon oil?
    Yes,but I don't recommend Pennzoil.
  • everyday eyeshadow
  • Does it bother you that Obama lies about not taking oil money and about the gross profits of Exxon-Mobil?

    It is against the law for oil companies to donate to campaigns, has been for over 100 years, yet Obama implies that Hillary and McCain both do. Then complains about the profits oil companies make, but he voted in favor of the Bush energy plan which allowed these profits, but Hillary did not.Does it bother you that Obama lies about not taking oil money and about the gross profits of Exxon-Mobil?
    Barack Hussein Obama jr LAUNDRY LIST OF LIES.

    1.) Selma Got Me Born - LIAR, your parents felt safe enough to have you in 1961 - Selma had no effect on your birth, as Selma was in 1965.

    2.) Father Was A Goat Herder - LIAR, he was a privileged, well educated youth, who went on to work with the Kenyan Government.

    3.) Father Was A Proud Freedom Fighter - LIAR, he was part of one of the most corrupt and violent governments Kenya has ever had

    4.) My Family Has Strong Ties To African Freedom - LIAR, your cousin Raila Odinga has created mass violence in attempting to overturn a legitimate election in 2007, in Kenya. It is the first widespread violence in decades.

    5.) My Grandmother Has Always Been A Christian - LIAR, she does her daily Salat prayers at 5am according to her own interviews. Not to mention, Christianity wouldn鈥檛 allow her to have been one of 14 wives to 1 man.

    6.) My Name is African Swahili - LIAR, your name is Arabic and 鈥楤araka鈥?(from which Barack came) means 鈥榖lessed鈥?in that language. Hussein is also Arabic and so is Obama.

    7.) I Never Practiced Islam - LIAR, you practiced it daily at school, where you were registered as a Muslim and kept that faith for 31 years,until your wife made you change, so you could run for office.

    8.) My School In Indonesia Was Christian - LIAR, you were registered as Muslim there and got in trouble in Koranic Studies for making faces (check your own book).

    9.) I Was Fluent In Indonesian - LIAR, not one teacher says you could speak the language.

    10.) Because I Lived In Indonesia, I Have More Foreign Experience - LIAR, you were there from the ages of 6 to 10, and couldn鈥檛 even speak the language. What did you learn, how to study the Koran and watch cartoons.

    11.) I Am Stronger On Foreign Affairs - LIAR, except for Africa (surprise) and the Middle East (bigger surprise), you have never been anywhere else on the planet and thus have NO experience with our closest allies.

    12.) I Blame My Early Drug Use On Ethnic Confusion - LIAR, you were quite content in high school to be Barry Obama, no mention of Kenya and no mention of struggle to identify - your classmates said you were just fine.

    13.)An Ebony Article Moved Me To Run For Office - LIAR, Ebony has yet to find the article you mention in your book. It doesn鈥檛, and never did, exist.

    14.) A Life Magazine Article Changed My Outlook On Life - LIAR, Life has yet to find the article you mention in your book. It doesn鈥檛, and never did, exist.

    15.) I Won鈥檛 Run On A National Ticket In 鈥?8 - LIAR, here you are, despite saying, live on TV, that you would not have enough experience by then, and you are all about having experience first.

    16.) Present Votes Are Common In Illinois - LIAR, they are common for YOU, but not many others have 130 NO VOTES.

    17.) Oops, I Misvoted - LIAR, only when caught by church groups and democrats, did you beg to change your misvote.

    18.) I Was A Professor Of Law - LIAR, you were a senior lecturer ON LEAVE.

    19.) I Was A Constitutional Lawyer - LIAR, you were a senior lecturer ON LEAVE.

    20.) Without Me, There Would Be No Ethics Bill - LIAR, you didn鈥檛 write it,introduce it, change it, or create it.

    21.) The Ethics Bill Was Hard To Pass - LIAR, it took just 14 days from start to finish.

    22.) I Wrote A Tough Nuclear Bill - LIAR, your bill was rejected by your own party for its pandering and lack of all regulation - mainly because of your Nuclear Donor, Exelon, from which David Axelrod came.

    23.) I Have Released My State Records - LIAR, as of March, 2008, state bills you sponsored or voted for have yet to be released, exposing all the special interests pork hidden within.

    24.) I Took On The Asbestos Altgeld Gardens Mess - LIAR, you were part of a large group of people who remedied Altgeld Gardens. You failed to mention anyone else but yourself, in your books.

    25.) My Economics Bill Will Help America - LIAR, your 111 economic policies were just combined into a proposal which lost 99-0, and even YOU voted against your own bill.

    26.) I Have Been A Bold Leader In Illinois - LIAR, even your own supporters claim to have not seen BOLD action on your part.

    27.) I Passed 26 Of My Own Bills In One Year - LIAR, they were not YOUR bills, but rather handed to you, after their creation by a fellow Senator, to assist you in a future bid for higher office.

    28.) No One Contacted Canada About NAFTA - LIAR, the Candian Government issued the names and a memo of the conversation your campaign had with them.

    29.) I Am Tough On Terrorism - LIAR, you missed the Iran Resolution vote on terrorism and your good friend Ali Abunimah supports the destruction of Israel.

    30.) I Am Not Acting As President Yet - LIAR, after the NAFTA Memo, a dead terrorist in the FARC, in Colombia, was found with a letter stating how you and he were working together on getting FARC recognized officially.

    31.) I Didn鈥檛 Run Ads In Florida - LIAR, you allowed national ads to run 8-12 times per day for two weeks - and you still lost.

    32.) I Won Michigan - LIAR, no you didn鈥檛.

    33.) I won Nevada - LIAR, no you did not.

    34.) I Want All Votes To Count - LIAR, you said let the delegates decide.

    35.) I Want Americans To Decide - LIAR, you prefer caucuses that limit the vote, confuse the voters, force a public vote, and only operate during small windows of time.

    36.) I passed 900 Bills in the State Senate - LIAR, you passed 26, most of which you didn鈥檛 write yourself.

    37.) My Campaign Was Extorted By A Friend - LIAR, that friend is threatening to sue if you do not stop saying this. Obama has stopped saying this.

    38.) I Believe In Fairness, Not Tactics - LIAR, you used tactics to eliminate Alice Palmer from running against you.

    39.) I Don鈥檛 Take PAC Money - LIAR, you take loads of it.

    40.) I don鈥檛 Have Lobbysists - LIAR, you have over 47 lobbyists, and counting.

    41.) My Campaign Had Nothing To Do With The 1984 Ad - LIAR, your own campaign worker made the ad on his Apple in one afternoon.

    42.) My Campaign Never Took Over MySpace - LIAR, Tom, who started MySpace issued a warning about this advertising to MySpace clients.

    43.) I Inspire People With My Words - LIAR, you inspire people with other people鈥檚 words.

    44.) I Have Passed Bills In The U.S. Senate - LIAR, you have passed A BILL in the U.S. Senate - for Africa, which shows YOUR priorities.

    45.) I Have Always Been Against Iraq - LIAR, you weren鈥檛 in office to vote against it AND you have voted to fund it every single time, unlike Kucinich, who seems to be out gutting you Obama. You also seem to be stepping back from your departure date - AGAIN.

    46.) I Have Always Supported Universal Health Care - LIAR, your plan leaves us all to pay the 15,000,000 who don鈥檛 have to buy it.

    47.) I Only Found Out About My Investment Conflicts Via Mail - LIAR, both companies you site as having sent you letters about this conflict have no record of any such letter ever being created or sent.

    48.) I Am As Patriotic As Anyone - LIAR, you won鈥檛 wear a flag pin and you don鈥檛 put your hand over your heart during the Anthem.

    49.) My Wife Didn鈥檛 Mean What She Said About Pride In Country - LIAR, your wife鈥檚 words follow lock-step in the vain of Wright and Farrahkan, in relation to their contempt and hatred of America.

    50.) Wal-Mart Is A Company I Wouldn鈥檛 Support - LIAR, your wife has received nearly a quater of a million dollars through Treehouse, which is connected to Wal-Mart.

    51.) Treehouse Is A Small Company - LIAR, the CEO of Treehouse last year, made more than the CEO of Wal-Mart, according to public records.

    52.) University Of Chicago Hospital Pay Is Fair - LIAR, your wife鈥檚 pay raise was nearly 150% her already bloated rate and the hospital is a Non-Profit Hospital, which made $100,000,000 in the last 3 years. They overcharge blacks VS whites for services, and overcharge everyone in general by 538%!

    53.)I Barely Know Rezko - Only 5 Billed Hours - LIAR, you have known him for 17 years, and decided to do a real estate deal with him during a time when he was proven to be under investigation. Despite this, you divided your property and had them take off $300K before the mortgage problems started. Then Rezko鈥檚 wife buys the lot beside it that you can鈥檛 afford, saving you $625,000.

    54.) My Donations Have Been Checked Thoroughly - LIAR, you only gave back Hsu ($72K) and Rezko ($150K) their money when publically called on their involvement in your campaigns.

    55.) My Church Is Like Any Other Christian Church - LIAR, your church is so extreme, the pastor who married you, Rev. Wright, just got done blaming the US for 9/11 and named Louis Farrahkan their person of the year.

    56.) I Disagree With My Church All The Time - LIAR, you still have yet to repudiate Wright, who married you and your wife, and you still donate large sums of money to assist the church in furthering its message - hatred and revenge. You donated in 2006 alone, $22,500 to the church that you so terribly disagree with. That is nearly $500 PER WEEK - that sure is disagreement, Senator Obama.

    57.) I Have Clean Connections Despite Rezko - LIAR, you are not only connected to Exelon and Rezko, you are also connected to Hillary PAC supporter Mr. Hsu, AND an Iraqi Billionaire of ill repute, Nadhmi Auchi, who ripped off people in the Food For Oil, Iraqi deal. Seems Mr. Auchi may have helped Obama buy his million dollar property long before Obama had millions of dollars. Wonder what favors Mr. Auchi expects, when Obama leaves Iraq free to be taken over by special interests such as him.

    58.) I never heard sermons like Rev. Wright鈥檚, that have been in videos all day, You Tube - LIAR! 3 days later during your Mea Culpa BS speech you said 鈥淒id I hear controversial statements while sitting in the pew yes!';Does it bother you that Obama lies about not taking oil money and about the gross profits of Exxon-Mobil?
    He doesn't take ';oil'; money, so it doesn't bother me.
    You need to increase to comprehension abilities...

    He never said that McCain and Hillary both receive donations from oil companies....doesn't even imply it.
    Obama Bin Lyin
    McCain Obama and Clinton are all Liars they are all full of crap. And it doesnt matter ONE BIT who you vote for cuz the ';powers that be'; will just eventually chose one and rig all the machines for HIM...Hillary has the least chance in a general election. Our next pres is McCain although I would prefer it was Obama. I just see it that way.
    Obama is proving on a minute by minute basis that he cannot be trusted.!~!
    His two biggest campaign financiers are two oil executives. So, yes it bothers me.
    Here is something interesting to consider. Obama claims all if not most of his money comes from average people right?

    Well how many average people could afford the $2300 a person admittance fee to meet with obama in San Fransisco last week?

    Why was the general public not informed?

    Why was it held in an area called ';Billionaires row';?

    Why was the gathering held in the home of the Heir to an oil fortune if he is not involved with big business?

    Things to consider...

    here is a great place to see some of the event and get more info on what happened.鈥?/a>
    Yes, typical....
    Challenging obama on the facts will get you labled as a racist!


    ALL politicians have a duel standard. If you look you have some of the Unions supporting Hillary and some supporting Obama. Why?? They hope to get favored treatment.

    No difference for Oil or any other big business. We the people have to realize that oil prices are set Globally and not by the oil companies. Most of the world imports oil from OPEC who set the price and amount of oil they sell daily.

    If we foolishly tax oil companies, or even big business like Ford or GM, who do you think they will pass the tax on too??? The consumer, either more for their vehicles, or more money per gallon.

    In a free market environment, you don't slam the people who have the jobs and provide incomes for millions of people.
    I have never considered him capable of leading the greatest nation in the world

    As time goes on, I re-enforce that belief