Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Stop buying gas from the two biggest oil companies, Exxon and Mobil to force them to lower gas prices.?

Pump no more than $10 at a time when you pump gas anywhere else and don't buy any products from the gas station, we need to do something, gas is $3 a gallon and we are all just taking it.. what happened to the american spirit?Stop buying gas from the two biggest oil companies, Exxon and Mobil to force them to lower gas prices.?
I think it could work. After all, Washington wasn't supposed to take Trenton -- or win the revolution for that matter. Something this little could certainly work if enough people did it. Couldn't hurt.Stop buying gas from the two biggest oil companies, Exxon and Mobil to force them to lower gas prices.?
Yeah, my profit is that I don't want you to drive up gas prices even more with a silly boycott. Report Abuse

This is just another urban legend.

Boycotting one company won't work. If everyone stopped buying from Exxon and used the other providers, then the other providers would run out of gas pretty quickly due to supply and demand chain effects. What would happen is that they would buy their gas from Exxon and overall all prices would go up, not down.

Full mythbuster at Snopes.鈥?/a>

The way to get lower prices is to use less gas. Public transportation, better milage cars, carpooling, etc.
Exxon and Mobil are the same company (Exxon-Mobil). You should check into how much you pay in taxes for each gallon of gas that you buy, you'll be surprised.
maybe people are just lazy
that is a good idea, in theory, but i don't honestly think that will make them change anything

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