Friday, December 18, 2009

How much middle east oil does EXXON market in USA? How much in Europe, Asia and the middle east?

Focus. Corporations make the most profit by selling their product to the nearest market. California, NY, Kansas drivers are close to Texas and Oklahoma. If you can focus on the largest profit you will discover than not one drop of middle east oil ever hits America's tank farms.How much middle east oil does EXXON market in USA? How much in Europe, Asia and the middle east?
This is true. The extrme leftists would have you believe that the United States is stealing the oil from the Middl East for use in American cars on American roads.

Actually the United States receives little or no oil from the Middle East.

It appears that the major beneficiary of our efforts in the Middle East appears to be China which is also one of our biggest critics.

Perhaps we should tell China to protect their sources of supply in the Middle East rather than sit back and let us do it for them and then China criticizes us for our efforts as China sits back and lets us do all the work, while China makes all of the profit.

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