Friday, December 18, 2009

Why did Exxon reap record oil profits after the invasion of Iraq?

because everyone is still driving, thus, everyone is still buying gas, thus, there is still a demand for oil. it's quite simple, really.Why did Exxon reap record oil profits after the invasion of Iraq?
Wartime ALWAYS brings productivity and increase to a country in several ways...even it is appears to have cost a lot also. The percentage of profits were no higher during the war than beforehand. It was simply that a lot more oil was and is being used so the total dollars were higher.Why did Exxon reap record oil profits after the invasion of Iraq?
All oil companies have been making record profits year after year since the gas shortages of the seventies. Why is minimum wage higher now than ten years ago?
sweet deals made history and poverty for many of us fools !!!!!!
Why did Wal-Mart, Home Depot, and Lowes reap record profits after the invasion of Iraq?
The price of oil shot up, and a lot of Exxon's net worth is in inventory.
Because it's all about the oil.
because they sold petroleum products that consumers bought
Because of greed. They are evil.
people used a lot of gas

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