Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Who sets oil/gasoline prices? How responsible are big companies such as Exxon and Shell for these prices?

The demand for oil sets the price. Oil companies aren't responible with their power given the history of Hurrican Katrina they made a record billions of dollars in profit over this disaster.Who sets oil/gasoline prices? How responsible are big companies such as Exxon and Shell for these prices?
1-sabotage Esso and Shell that import most of their gas from the Arab countries.

2.Obviously that Demand and supply set the market prices so Cut down your comsuption of Gas (ex:use the subway or public transportation, convince your friends to do the same.) Report Abuse
Who sets oil/gasoline prices? How responsible are big companies such as Exxon and Shell for these prices?
3- Ever thought to buy an Electric car? Report Abuse

1) You (If you want the oil/gasoline prices to go down all you have to do is sell your Gasoline American Car and buy a Diesel German Car)

2) 0% Responsible

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